About Me
I am a freelance journalist and writer based in Melbourne.
I am the former editor-in-chief of the SA Globalist (international affairs magazine) and conducted journalism work in several countries, including with The Jakarta Post and Cape Chameleon.
With a double degree in journalism and international relations, I have a particular interest in foreign affairs, whether cultural, political or social, as well as music and the arts. In 2021, I completed an honours thesis in literary journalism on the Australian bush doof.
I am also a two-time recipient of the New Colombo Plan grant, part of the Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) in 2019 and attended the 10th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Kuala Lumpur.
A New Era of Journalism
Speaking truly, journalism is in a state of crisis. Australia boasts one of the highest media concentrations in the world (thanks Rupert) and the industry has been unable to fully adapt to the shifts in technology and how we read news. Political bias and fake news threaten the survival of our newsrooms.
More than ever, it is vital journalists find ways to engage readers and provide in-depth analysis. I see literary journalism as a way of achieving this. In a world where ‘objectivity’ is now only a guise for unduly reporting, perhaps literary forms can provide greater interest for readers while still maintaining the traditional standard of journalistic integrity.
Finding ways to adapt to the online market are vital going forward. This website allows me to do so, providing my various works as a journalist and writer, including freelance articles, interviews, short stories and poetry. Freelancing my work allows me to write and report freely from the political and economic pressures of newsrooms and avoid what has adamantly been dubbed the “Murdoch effect”.

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